Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So Much To Tell...

Hello Again Everyone!

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a blog and mostly that was because I thought not much had really happened since our big announcement that we are expecting a baby girl. However, today I was working on some stuff in in my daughters soon to be room and I realized that A LOT has happened! So this may be a lengthy blog, but I feel like there is so much to share!

Crib Building 101...
Let’s start here. Justin and I have really gotten down and dirty and started getting this little girls room ready! I was completely dreading cleaning out our guest bedroom and finding new places for all of the things we keep in that room, but to be quite honest, it was quite freeing! It felt so good to go through all of our junk and get rid of the crap we just don’t need. I also noticed that we are showing many of the symptoms of hoarders and I’m now committed to stopping that (although you couldn't tell from the looks of our room at a time)! Anyways, we got the room all cleaned out, shampooed the carpet and painted the room a cute lavender color.. I’m totally loving it so far! Once the room was clean, we were ready to bring in the furniture! Justin’s Aunt Jackie was so sweet to us and bought the baby a BEAUTIFUL cherry wood bedroom set; crib, changing table and dresser! Now three pieces of furniture to build seemed like quite a daunting task to me, but my wonderful hubby was determined and VERY excited to get it all together. Well it took around 3 to 3 ½ hours, but the result was three gorgeous (and sturdy might I add) pieces of furniture and no extra parts! Success! Justin and I are total pros at building a nursery…ok…it was mostly Justin, but I helped…a little. There is still work to be done, but as you can see, it’s really coming along and looking absolutely amazing!

Spoiled Little Girl Alert…
Now let me say, this girl has yet to grace us with her presence and she is already so incredibly spoiled! She has so much AMAZING family and friends surrounding her and awaiting her arrival! As I mentioned above, her Great-Aunt Jackie bought her some beautiful furniture (probably the nicest furniture in the house…I’m jealous). In addition, her Grandma & Grandpa Perea have a carload of stuff for Justin and I to take home almost every time we see them; a swing, bottles, monkeys, clothes, a jumper, a highchair…just tons of stuff! THEN her Grandma & Grandpa Lopez are the same way! Carloads of clothes & toys! And finally, her Vento family in Texas loaded us up with two GIANT boxes of baby stuff galore before we came home from our vacation this past week. Now this is just her family that I’m talking about, I haven’t even mentioned all the friends that keep showering her with some of the cutest outfits ever! Just checkout this girls, room and closet! I think she has more outfits than me!

Big Kicks…
This past week or so finally marked the time when we could feel her on the outside! I have felt her moving and wiggling around for quite awhile now but Justin has been waiting and waiting for the day when he could finally feel her too. Well, that day finally came and it was so exciting! I know he was happy to finally feel her move and the experience was amazing for him! He always wants to know when she moves even in the slightest bit and his hands are always on my tummy now. While it’s always amazing to feel her moving around inside me, it was also an amazing and precious moment to see Justin’s face light up when he felt that first kick. Now, we have been trying for a little while now to see if he could feel her move but she is kind of a brat about it...just sayin. As soon as I feel her move and Justin puts his hands on my tummy, she immediately stops…like she’s playing a game with us or something…it’s really odd and funny! Anyways, one afternoon I told Justin she had started moving and the kicks felt pretty big and so he immediately put his hands on my belly and was staring intently at it just waiting for her to move and SUDDENLY there it was…a nice big kick straight into his palm! His head perked up and he looked at me with wide-eyes, “Was that her?!?!” I don’t think I’ll ever forget that moment.

So that about sums it up for now! I just want to say thank you to all of our family and friends that have been there for us on this journey; we are incredibly blessed to have you all.

Love always,
Justin & Candice


  1. Well I had just finished typing a really long message to you and then the darn thing gave me an error message, so now this comment will be a lot shorter. I just wanted to say that I am so happy for the both of you, and I am extremely excited to see my beautiful little niece. I can't wait to know what you guys are gonna name her. I love her room, it is beautiful. I am jealous as well. What are you guys gonna do if it is a boy? Have you thought about that? Ha Ha. Probably won't happen, but if it did, he is sure gonna have a lot of nice dresses to wear! LOL. Well, that's all for now. Love you guys! BTW, I need a pregnant belly pic of you. I haven't seen you yet!....:-) Shannah

  2. Hi Shannah,

    That IS a pregnant belly pic of me above! :) However, the combination of the black and the way I'm standing make the belly hard to see! I'll post a good one later for you! A lot of people have told me that I'm not all that big...but tell that to my back!

