Thursday, October 28, 2010

Everyone Loves Chubby Cheeks!


We have about 7 more weeks to go (if I make it full term) before we welcome our beautiful baby girl into this world! Baby and I are definitely getting bigger and bigger everyday and we can all really feel the big day drawing near!

While there are so many things to enjoy and ‘ooohhh’ and ‘awww’ over during pregnancy, one of my favorite parts is the ultrasound. Yes, it’s really awesome to feel her moving around inside of me and seeing my belly ripple (or bulge) when she moves, but I LOVE seeing her on the ultrasound! We had another ultrasound today to check her growth development and I’m happy to report that she is doing well and looking good...she even has a little bit of peach fuzz!

As of today she is about one week ahead in her development and weighing in at a whopping 5 pounds 8 ounces! The last few ultrasounds we haven’t really been able to get a good shot of her face because she’s always got it buried down and blocked with her arm (see previous blog). WELL, today before I left work for our appointment she was especially wiggly in my belly and moving around a lot…it made me hopeful that we might just see her precious face. I heard that if you drink some caffeine before an ultrasound it helps to get them to wake up a little so you might be able to get a good picture. I’ve really been doing my best to avoid caffeine throughout the pregnancy but today for good measure I had a small cup of hot chocolate. Well that small cup gave me the jitters and shakes by the time I got to the doctor, but baby was definitely moving!

We went back to the ultrasound room, I got all gooped up and low and behold, there was her beautiful face...finally! The tech did a few measurements but then decided to switch to 3D mode before the baby decided to turn. Now let me tell you, seeing your baby’s face for the first time in 3D is so incredibly amazing! I can’t describe the feeling or the emotion! I’ve posted the pictures below for everyone to see! Personally, I really think she looks just like Justin…same nose, same mouth! I’m completely awestruck. If you can’t tell, she’s definitely a chunk and we can’t wait to pinch those cheeks!

As always, thank you all for your love and support throughout this journey; we have the best family and friends anyone could hope for.

Love Always,
Candice & Justin


  1. Wow! So amazing. She does look like Justin that's crazy!! Could just be the chunky thing throwing me off though. Just kidding brother! She is beautiful! I cant wait to hold her, and kiss her (after they clean her off a little bit... lol), and love her. Pretty soon we will be blessed with her presence! :-)......Shannah

  2. Wow those are amazing! Looks like someone is cradling her face in their hands!

  3. She is so chubby! Perfect for the month she will be born in. Its amazing what technology can do huh? I cant wait to meet her. -Shari.
