Thursday, December 30, 2010

Miss Aubrey Jaye Lopez

Hi Everyone!

First of all let me apologize for the HUGE delay in this VERY important blog update! As you all know the big day finally came and we welcomed Miss Aubrey Jaye Lopez into this world. She was born on December 16th, 2010 at 2:20am; she weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. The entire delivery experience was long, painful and the most amazing accomplishment of my entire life. This is a rather LONG blog because this was a rather LONG journey so bare with me as I try to document all of this to look back upon one day and share with our daughter.

I woke up on Monday morning feeling some slight pains. I wasn't really sure if they were contractions or just some random "preggo pains" but I kept an eye on them throughout the morning...mostly because they kept waking me up. Turns out the pains kept coming on about every 15 minutes so I told Justin that I thought I was having contractions and this might be the beginning of labor. We called the hospital and told them what was going on and how I was feeling. The nurse said it sounded like I was in 'early labor' and to continue to monitor my contractions. The hospital won't admit patients until their contractions are 2-3 minutes apart and you are 4cm that's what we were waiting for. This was going to be the theme of our entire labor and delivery process....hurry up and wait.

I called my Mom later that morning and let her know what was going on and of course (as worried Mother's do) she called me all morning to check in and finally decided she was coming over even if it was just to sit with me. Well we decided sitting around staring at the TV wasn't the best thing for me and so to get my mind off things for awhile, we went and got mani's and pedi's. The rest of the day progressed about the same; contractions every 15 minutes or so with no change.

Finally, on Tuesday morning I started to feel different. The contractions were getting closer together and MUCH stronger. However we stayed stuck in the same 'hurry up and wait' holding pattern. For the entire day the contractions were 4-5 minutes apart with no change. Eventually we got to about 3 minutes apart and at about 11pm I decided I had had enough and we headed over to the hospital.

I didn't think I was at the 4cm mark but I did think I had to be pretty close and I was hoping they would admit me anyways. Well after being hooked up, monitored and examined, the doctor told us that I was only at about 2cm! ::Sigh:: We figured they were going to send me home to 'hurry up and wait' a little longer. The doctor told me she needed to go meet with the other doctors and would be back in a little bit. Justin and I sat and waited for what seemed like forever watching the baby's heartbeat and my contractions on the monitor. When they finally came back the doctor informed me that they would be admitting me even though I wasn't very far along because my blood pressure was extremely high. (High blood pressure during labor and delivery could be a sign of preeclampsia) From there it was like everyone around me went into action; I had my IV inserted, blood drawn and sent to the lab, setup in my labor and delivery room, given a medicine to help speed up my labor (like pitocin...but it wasn't pitocin...yet). Justin went and got our overnight bags and we settled in for the long haul to 'hurry up and wait.'

Right around here is where I kind of lose track of days and times because they all kind of blend together. Basically the nurse checked on me about every 30-45 minutes and the doctor came in and checked me every 4 hours. Oh and they drew my blood a few more times because my blood pressure kept spiking. Eventually they decided to give me pitocin to help things along a little more and at that point I decided that I was going to need the epidural. While I was thankful for the relief that it provided for me, the experience of getting it was awful. The anesthesiologist that did the epidural had to do it THREE times because he kept hitting bone. Justin was furious while he watched the doctor keep trying to get it right, but he stayed calm and helped me through it.

Once I received the epidural and the pitocin we continued to (you guessed it) 'hurry up and wait.' Let me just say that between Justin, my Mom and my Dad, I had the best coaches anyone could have asked for. They all helped me through so much and were so incredibly supportive. Justin was there by my side the whole time getting me everything I needed, holding my hand, brushing my hair, getting me water...anything. He was amazing! Oh and he didn't pass out during delivery. :)

After a long few days, Thursday morning finally came (ironically this was my actual due date) and my blood pressure was beginning to spike again. I guess it must have really started getting high because they decided at that point to put me on magnesium sulfate to help control it and send more blood work to the lab. I'm sure it was necessary to do all of that but it kind of seemed like a waste too because not too long after that it was finally time. I felt a huge contraction and an unbelievable need to push all of a sudden. We called the nurse and she said it sounded like it was time and she would go get the doctor. The contractions started coming faster and faster and the urge to push was getting stronger and stronger. We kept calling the nurse and telling her that I wasn't going to be able to wait for the doctor much longer but the doctor just wasn't in a hurry to get to the room. Finally my Dad went out to the hall, said something to someone and minutes later the doctor and her team appeared!

I pushed for about an hour and FINALLY our little miracle was plopped on my chest! I loved this little girl so much even when she was in my belly, but seeing her for the first time...well I'm surprised my heart didn't explode from all the emotion I felt. I cried. We all cried and then she was whisked away to be cleaned and checked. The next thing I remember is looking over to my left and seeing Justin holding our family. It was a moment of sheer bliss and happiness...nothing else in the world mattered.

Because of the high blood pressure and the magnesium sulfate during my labor, we weren't released from the hospital until Saturday but all three of us are home now and doing well. Justin and I are adjusting to our beautiful new life with this beautiful and perfect little girl. She is such a good baby and I am so thankful for her everyday. I can't wait to see what life holds for us and what life holds for her. The last two weeks with her have already been an amazing journey and it's only just begun.

Justin, Candice AND Aubrey

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