Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Time Flies…

Once again, time has quickly passed us by again and it’s all just a memory.  Two months have come and gone and Aubrey is growing so fast; while she still mostly eats, poops and sleeps (ha ha), we are really starting to see her personality come out as she crosses every little milestone. She is beginning to see her hands and feet and exploring them with curiosity, she likes to hold her little rings in her gym and seems to be amazed by what happens when she starts swinging her arms around, she seems to recognize more and more people around her and will coo and smile for them and she seems to love listening to music or having someone sing to her. Simply put, she is amazing!



Justin and I have to step back and laugh at ourselves every day because of all the things we are learning and experiencing through parenthood. We’ve found that we’ll do just about anything to get a smile out of her. From dancing to singing to making silly faces, if it makes her smile, we’ll do it (and we’ll continue to do it until it doesn’t work anymore!)! I told Justin the other day that I think we could make our own baby album with all of the songs we’ve made up! It’s funny how the words just come to you even during a horribly dirty diaper changing! “Oh baby! Dirty diaper, dirty diaper! My baby has a poopy diaper and she is so stinky, but I love her cause she is my stinky girl!” Haha!



Like I said earlier, she is also starting to recognize people and shows it by cooing and smiling when she sees them. She smiles when she sees her Daddy come through the door after work and she smiles when you go in her room to get her out of her swing (unless she’s screaming bloody murder because she is hungry…then that is a different story). The other day her Uncle Eric came over to visit and she would not stop cooing and smiling from the second she saw him! It was like she knew exactly who he was and was SUPER happy to see him; she even cried for a little bit when he left. I also get reports that she always smiles for her Grandparents when they watch her for us during the week!





My Mom and I were talking about how amazing it is that you can love someone so much in an instant. I was telling her that it is really amazing to see the affect that Aubrey has on people and how she just magically changes them or brings out the best in them. I’ve seen her bring out a side of a person that I’ve never seen before in an instant.  Like I said, SHE’S AMAZING!

As always, I’ll leave you with some more pictures.


Candice, Justin & Aubrey





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