Monday, August 29, 2011

Parties, Rides and Sippy Cups…

Another few months have passed us by and our little family is doing amazing!  Our beauty is getting so big and becoming quite the character with all her little faces, laughs and new things she has been learning!  We hope you enjoy this blog as we catch you up on what we’ve been up to!

Aubrey recently got her first invite to a KIDS party and we were soooo excited to go!  Aubrey’s friend Bella turned 3 and we joined her to celebrate!  We spent the day before the party at the mall trying to find the perfect gift.  We finally decided to go to Build-A-Bear when we saw the frenzy going on over the Smurf toys and build Bella a Smurfette doll!  It was so cute and so fun; Aubrey even kissed (well licked) the heart for her!  The party was great Aubrey enjoyed some cake and laughed watching all the kids run around and play!  I can’t wait until she is old enough to run with all the other kids!


In addition to Bella’s birthday, we also celebrated Daddy’s birthday!  The three of us enjoyed a YUMMY dinner at Tucanos followed by a weekend of fun with lots of family and friends!

What a lucky girl!  Grandpa Perea and Nana treated us all to a fun time at Cliff’s this summer for Intel family night!  Obviously there isn’t a whole heck of a lot that she can do at Cliff’s but we definitely enjoyed what she could go on!  I have a feeling that this girl is going to be an adrenaline junkie like her Mommy!  She wasn’t scared on anything; she just kept laughing non-stop!

We recently had a lazy Sunday afternoon and so we decided on a whim to go to Explora!  Even though Aubrey is a little too young to go there, I thought it still might be fun to check it out; besides, Justin and I are kids at heart!  She definitely had a good time!  She really liked the water stuff, bubbles, music and air stuff!  Even though she wasn’t exploring it in the way that it was meant to be explored, I still think she was learning!  Checkout our kaleidoscope pictures we took while we were there!

Aubrey is quickly approaching 9 months and she still is not crawling…honestly we think she might not crawl at all.  Sometimes she will get up on all fours and do a little rocking, but that’s it.  Today she actually pulled herself up to standing and she likes to sit on her knees in her playpen all the time.  She’s doing her best to try and crawl, but she just doesn’t like to be on her tummy very much; she would rather be sitting up and playing around that way.  We’ll see though…we’re close to mobility…any day now!


While she hasn’t started crawling yet, she definitely has reached other milestones!  She recently started drinking out of a sippy cup (thanks for the tip Roseanna!) and she absolutely LOVES pear juice, water and tea!  She’ll also drink from a straw if given the chance at dinner time.  It’s crazy how little things like these mean so much!

Last but not least, our little beauty recently cut her top two teeth!  These ones were a little more painful then the last two, but we survived and they’re now coming in nicely!

That’s all for now, hope you enjoyed!  As always, I’ll end with some of my fave pics from the past few months!  Love you all!


Justin, Candice & Aubrey


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