Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Best Valentine’s Day EVER

Yesterday Justin, Aubrey and I literally had the best Valentine’s Day anyone could ask for!  It was sweet and simple and we enjoyed every minute of it like three giddy children (instead of just one).

Justin and I decided that we would celebrate Valentine’s Day with our Aubrey Jaye and do something fun as a family (Justin and I will celebrate this weekend without the crowds…good plan, eh?)!  We spent the better part of the afternoon texting each other ideas about what we should do.  By the end of the day we had finally narrowed it down to going to see Happy Feet 2 at the dollar theatre OR going to Itz pizza place.  Well Aubrey made the final choice for us because she napped past the show time of Happy Feet 2.  Simple enough and a good choice because all three of us were HUNGRY! 

We made our way across town over to Itz, found us a table in the “Drive In Movie” room (which totally rocks by the way) and got us some pizza and pasta!  Yum!  We chowed down and enjoyed I-Robot on the big screen for awhile and then hit up the games!

Itz actually has quite a few “baby” rides so Aubrey had a blast riding the merry-go-round, the Flintstones car and Dino!  Generally she cries and throws a tantrum when we take her off those rides but I think the flashing lights and noise were a big enough distraction for her!  She had an absolute BLAST pressing all the brightly lit buttons on the games, throwing the ski balls and winning tickets!  No joke, she really won tickets!

Itz has a ton of claw games that you can play and well, Justin and I consider ourselves a bit of an expert when it comes to claw games (dusts shoulder off).  So when Justin saw the GIANT and I mean GIANT soccer ball in the GIANT and I mean GIANT claw machine, he knew it had to be won…by him.  Well after such determination and plenty of points on our game card, Justin was able to give Aubrey one more Valentine’s thrill!  Checkout the picture below!

At the end of the day we headed home and put the princess to bed…she went down with zero fuss and crashed for the whole night.

Justin and I were both left at the end of the night with hearts EXPLODING with love for our little family.  We’ve come so far in just over a year and we couldn’t be happier than we are now.  It’s amazing how a day that is supposed to be dedicated to candy, balloons, flowers, fancy dinners, jewelry and over the top amazing things, was outdone by cheap pizza, tickets spitting out of a game and the contagious laughter of our little chunker!




Told you it was a big ball!


Justin, Candice & Aubrey

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