Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Livin’ La Vida Lopez


So if you didn’t notice, I’ve changed the title of our blog to “Imagine Yourself Lopez.” I’ve been playing around with and thinking about different names for several weeks now and this has been the one that has stuck with me the most. It feels good so I’m gonna run with it for now! I decided to change it from “The Lopez Family…Baby On Board!” for a few reasons. The biggest one is that I was confusing the heck out of a lot of people every time I would post a link to the blog saying that I had updated it! On more than one occasion I had someone text, call or tell me something to the effect of, “Oh my gosh Candice, I thought you were pregnant again when I saw your post!” Wow. No, I am not currently pregnant; nobody panic. The second reason I changed the title was because well, we don’t really have a baby anymore…we have a toddler! Oh dear Lord; what lies ahead? Only time will tell; for now she is still this cute little chunk just toddling around on a mission to explore the world. Finally, I changed the title because I want to feel free to encompass our entire little family into the blog and share updates about all three of us; not just the princess (although 90% of the posts will continue to be about her haha!). So here we go, a fresh new look and a fresh new blog for you all to enjoy!

baby                  us

First and foremost, Happy Belated Mother's Day to all of the beautiful Mamas out there in cyber land!

I hope all of you Moms out there had a wonderful time on your special day! I am blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful Mother’s in my life; from Grandmas, to Aunts, to cousins, to friends and of course my very own amazing NUMERO UNO MOTHER! The culmination of my connections to each of these women has helped me to become the Mother that I am today and inspiration to be a better Mother every day. I am very grateful for all of you. Being a Mom is a difficult yet rewarding adventure and everyday is just that…an adventure!

We had big plans to go to the lake for Mother’s day but the weather ended up raining on our parade (literally) and we were forced to cancel and stay indoors. Being the super Mom that my Mom is though, she just happened to have a feast in her fridge and invited us over to spend the afternoon. We gorged ourselves on delish steaks, corn, veggies, chips and dip and cake! It was so yummy! After our feast we all found ourselves very tired so we just hung around for the afternoon watching TV. Around 5:30pm we started to get cabin fever and desperately needed to get out of the house. We all joked about taking Mom bowling and then somewhere in the conversation it took a weird turn and the joking turned to reality and thus we found ourselves at Santa Ana Casino’s Starlight Lanes! On the way there I asked my Mom when the last time she had been bowling was and she said it was before I was born; so at least 27 years! Given those kind of stats, we decided that Justin and my Mom would be one team and Eric and I would be another.

bowling4                   bowling3

Now, I consider my Mom to be a very sweet, kind, caring and Christian woman, but after the way she hustled us at bowling, I may have to rethink my opinions! The first frame she bowled an 8; beginners luck. Then in frames two and three she bowled spares…what the? This pattern continued and was broken up by multiple strikes! Ultimately she ended up with the second highest score of the game; coincidence? I think not.

bowling                    bowling2

Lumbre del Sol at El Pinto

El Pinto hired Lumbre del Sol to play for the Cinco de Mayo Matanza and IT WAS AWESOME!  The food was delish and the entertainment was wonderful!  I think one of the coolest parts of the whole day was seeing so many friends and family come out to support my Dad and see Lumbre!  The camaraderie felt amongst everyone was such a great feeling and it was so nice to see everyone laughing and dancing together!  The band did fantastic and I heard so much great feedback from some of my co-workers!  Aubrey made a new friend and the two of them were boogying the afternoon away!  We were so pooped when we got home that we had to take a late afternoon nap (which ultimately threw off the rest of our night…ce la vie).



Good luck Tio Eric!

It was a bittersweet moment not too long ago when for my Dad’s birthday, my brother presented him with envelope.  The envelope contained Eric’s offer letter to go work as an intern for Intel in California for seven months.  We were all so ecstatic for him and the HUGE opportunity that he was getting with Intel!  On the other hand we were also very sad at the realization that he would be moving far from home for seven months (and who knows what this could end up being, he may be there for a lot longer than any of us expected…including him!). 

Let me just say that I am so incredibly PROUD of my brother!  He is one of the hardest working people I know and it will be nice to see all of his hard work starting to pay off for him.  He left last week and I am already missing him dearly but it’s a weird feeling because despite my sadness, I also am feeling all of this anxiety about him being out there because I just know he is destined to something great!  I swear, he is so innovative with the knowledge he has that I can just feel it; he has the next big idea!  Watch out world…keep him on your radar!

We celebrated Eric’s success and bid him farewell at his going away party!  It turned out to be a perfect day with family and friends both new and old and “Burn Your Butthole Enchiladas” courtesy of my Mom.  I think she forgot she was cooking for gringos.  ;0)  Sorry Mama!




Finally, we saw the eclipse on Sunday and it totally ROCKED!  I went to Tint Masters earlier that morning and picked us up some strips of tint so we could see the eclipse that evening.  I was hesitant about the strips at first because I didn’t really understand how they worked, but it let me just say…$2 well spent friends.  Mostly I just wanted to share some of the pictures I caught during the eclipse.


Well that’s it in Lopez Land for now!  I really am going to try and post a little more frequently because I feel like I just wrote a novel and still left out so much!  If you wanna keep up with our crazy life, I highly suggest following this blog!  Winking smile  You can do that by entering your email over on the right side of the page!  Hope everyone is doing great; keep living the good life! 


Justin, Candice & Aubrey


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